How to evaluate personality of a person?

6 Comments on How to evaluate personality of a person?

Personality is made up of the characteristics, patterns of thoughts, feelings and behaviors that make a person unique. It is highlighted by differences in pattern of thinking, behaving and feeling. It is a set of traits or qualities that set the individuals apart from each other.

There are different components of a personality that define a person’s overall personality. The components are fluency, eye contact, body language, dressing, presentation skills, voice tone, confidence and attitude. The summation of all these factors together define the type of personality the individual has, the areas of his strengths and the areas he need to work upon.

Evaluating Persons English Knowledge and Personality

A simple test can be undertaken in which the individual can rate himself on the basis of various factors:
Example: An individual can rate himself on the scale of 10 on various factors that were mentioned before. Plotting the same on a chart to see what are the areas of one’s strengths and what are the areas that require improvements.

The area below the bar line are the areas that are the strengths or the positive points of the individual while the areas above the bar line are the areas that require improvements.

Evaluate People Personality

Hence based on this chart study the individual can judge the personality of an individual. An improvement in personality requires working on the components and not on the overall factors.


Personality of a person is the summation of the different factors that need to be ranked to arrive at the valuation of an individual’s personality. Various factors like confidence, fluency, presentation, eye-contact, body language, dressing, attitude and voice ton need to be ranked for an individual on a scale of 10. These rankings when marked on a scale give the areas of one’s strengths and the weakness.







  1. Manisha  - May 16, 2017 - 2:53 am
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    Good post..good to see the realistic figure on eye contact and confidence to have maximum weight-age on evaluating personality of a person. keep sharing

    • WizMantra Online English Classes  - June 8, 2017 - 11:37 am
      Reply /

      Thank you Manish.
      We are glad you liked our tips on personality development.

  2. Bala  - May 16, 2017 - 3:35 am
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    Good morning sir. I want learn English. What should i do?

    • WizMantra Online English Classes  - June 8, 2017 - 11:38 am
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      Read our blogs on English learning and I am sure you can gain lot out of there.
      And get in touch with our consultants for proper dedicated planning of your career.

  3. Jeetu  - May 17, 2017 - 3:05 am
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    Amazed to see the graph of attitude; in the relevance of personality evaluation I’ll suggest you to check details of balance theory at wikipedia
    For example: Balance theory

    • WizMantra Online English Classes  - June 8, 2017 - 11:40 am
      Reply /

      Thank you Jeetu.
      Wikipedia link that you have shared is really interesting. Please subscribe to our blog to get updated with our latest research on the subject.

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