How to Speak English Fluently? Top 10 Tips

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It is easier to get overwhelmed by the wealth of information available on the Internet. The information is basically in written English which is not gauged and studied sometimes leading us to believe in incorrect English.

top 10 to improve your english communication skills

The basic study of the language can help you understand the difference between good and bad English skills. However, while speaking English, you require apt knowledge about the lingua franca and its various applications. They say, do not judge a book by its cover but a man is always judged by his way of presenting himself interpersonally and in an intrapersonal manner.

Why not, create the best first impression then?

Or why not leave a mark on whoever you interact with?

The thing which keeps us from achieving great heights is our low self-esteem. To speak impeccably fluent English is achievable with short steps and a bigger ray of hope. ‘Rome was not built in a day’ as they say stands inevitably true, so try these simpler tips to get a strong grip on your English communication skills.

How can you start speaking English fluently in short duration?

1. Incorporate English in your daily routine

While this is one of the easiest solutions to pep up your English skills but at the same time, it would require maximum and continuous efforts. To change a habit or develop a new one is definitely not a path full of roses. Try to inculcate 10 minutes of Spoken English time in your hectic schedule and practice regularly without fail. Listen English while commuting or cooking a meal, read the English Newspapers, or watch English videos, and imbibe this routine in your everyday life and take a promising step towards your Spoken English goal.

Also check this comprehensive tips on how to improve your English communication skills?

2. Stop thinking about it as a magic potion

It won’t happen overnight, it would definitely require days to learn fluent Spoken English. There is no magic potion to help you become a pro in less than a fortnight. The ways of learning may differ from person to person leading you to early success or late failure. You can choose your method of learning as it may appeal to you and stick to it continuously. It is a long and tedious process but definitely worth a while.

3. Learn the roots of the language learning

It always rounds off to your basics of the English language. Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking goes in sync with how you present yourself. These traits need to be nurtured to help you excel in your field of interest. Practice each skill a day and get better at every skill at the same time. Be the Jack and Master of all traits.

4. Search for a ‘Virtual Talker’ for regular speaking exercise.

To learn English appropriately, it is mandatory to use it in the first place. Join online forums, discussions, attend webinars, call customer care, or simply get a Virtual Talker who is on the same page as you. Exchanging and conversing in English to an individual can prove beneficial. WizMantra with an army of tutors can be of great help to solve this pressing issue of who to talk with.

5. Don’t stick to one genre

If you’re a science geek and more inclined towards the information available on your topic, trying other options may widen your scope of observation. Every medium which has English in it should not be neglected. A TV show, movie, song, or an inspirational speech – all these contain a different way of presenting content in English. Read, watch and listen to Spoken English in as many contexts as you can.

6. Start thinking in ‘English’

The biggest obstacle while learning to speak fluent English is the way of interpretation. Almost everyone thinks in their native language which indirectly indicates less usage of English words. The easiest steps to follow are: Try the basic words first, then hop on to sentences and finally try to conjure stories or entire conversations in your head.

7. Don’t use the same word twice. Be Creative

Are you aware of the number of words which are added to the dictionary every year? More than thousands and how many do we have etched on our vocabulary? Hardly a few.

We face issues like lack of vocabulary and pauses while conversing in English. To encounter these, try to describe a particular word in a completely creative way. Think of an alternative to let the recipient understand whatever you’re trying to convey through the use of a new word or a situation for instance.

8. Self-talk is the best

Build your fluency and confidence by sparing a few minutes each day for yourself. By following this routine you’ll never feel pressured or the need to be perfect. You can try different genres to start with, an inspiring speech or an adventure you recently had which you wish to share with the world.

Do it alone although it sounds a bit weird but practicing on your own can yield promising results. You can record your voice to understand the errors, glitches, or breakdowns and proceed further with new topics and zeal.

9. Don’t mind the Grammar

Don’t feel nervous while trying your first baby steps in speaking English. It may be difficult in the beginning; you may fail while attempting the first sentences, you may make mistakes but it will lead to the wonderful start of your confidence building journey. For starters, you should focus your attention on your communication skills even if you don’t speak perfectly.With time and thorough practice, you’ll be able to rectify your own mistakes and correct them if necessary. Start practicing without worrying what you are speaking about and you’ve already cleared the first test.

10. You’ll reach there, eventually!

The attitude of learning should never stop as it would restrict growth and development. Read as much as you can from the resources available online or offline. Maintain a diary where you can write the new phrases and words which you came across while reading anything. Try to use it in your conversation the same day so it stays in your memory for longer.

It may feel overwhelming in the beginning as the new habits take time to sink in. But, eventually, you’ll reach the goal which you have planned for yourself. It doesn’t matter how many small steps you take unless you don’t stop.

If you focus on success, you’ll have stress. But if you pursue excellence, success will be guaranteed’. ~Deepak Chopra

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1 Comment

  1. Michael Taylor  - September 27, 2018 - 5:03 pm
    Reply /

    It’s more important to have frequent contact with English than to have hours and hours of study. Using English for 10 minutes a day, every day, is better than studying for 1 hour only once a week.

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